I know, second week in a row….my bad. I think I have to reset my self imposed deadline to midnight on Tuesdays.
If you’re seeing this it just means the current entry isn’t done yet and it’s after 6:30 PM on a Tuesday. Plus there is a picture of a puppy! While I’d like to say this won’t happen often life has gotten a bit more crazy than usual from a commitment perspective on my end and so this little placeholder might crop up occasionally. Hopefully you’ll forgive me and stick with me. Entry will be up soon. In the meantime, go shopping in Da Merch store!
Also, here’s a picture of my relatively new puppy I’m drawing and then going to turn into a painting. If I have to be late I’ll just provide an update on some other project I’m working on and then people can look forward to me being late so they can see the status of whatever dumb ass project it is. There isn’t much change here seeing as how I was just late last week. Whheeeeeeee……..